Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Avantone MixCubes Passive Studio Monitor

Today, something a little more unusual and compact.
The Avantone Mixcubes Passive Monitors are a little different from what I've summarized on here before, I've tended to stick to active monitors with integrated amps, which these are not!

These passive monitors feature passive full range 8 ohm drivers and a cuboid 6 1/2 inch cabinet with a retro-cream finish along with an aluminium frame to give it extra rigidity.

These speaker cabinets were built to advance on the older 5C Sound CubesO, which were a hit world wide, with a more linear frequency responce.

The intention of these monitors is to enable producers to hear their mixes over a smaller speaker set-up. The recommended power rating is 50-200 watts of solid state power or 10-1000 watts of tube power. Avantone advise using a high quality sutdio-greade power amp.

If these smaller, compact numbers take your fancy, visit them on Amazon now!


  1. So this is probably for more professional use rather than for a private person?
